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» بعد صراع مرير مع سرطان الثدي
مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالجمعة نوفمبر 29, 2013 3:06 am من طرف ساعية لرضى الله

» فرصه الفرص لاستثمار او حتي لاسكان
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» ٢ جنيه تراجعاً فى سعر الذهب عيار ١٨.. والركود يسيطر على السوق
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» الخوارزمــــــــــــي الصغيـــــــــــــــــــــــر
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» علاج القولون العصبي بالغذاء الطبيعي
مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مايو 29, 2012 3:35 am من طرف عياديهناء

» مرض الشك و الوسواس؟
مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 21, 2012 5:25 am من طرف صدقة

» نبتة الغافث؟
مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أبريل 16, 2012 1:01 pm من طرف صدقة

» أسئلة على الباب الثالث فلسفة للمرحلة الثانية
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» قانون 82 لسنة 2006
مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء سبتمبر 29, 2010 12:55 pm من طرف بسمة فودة

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 مراجعة انجليزى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عبير حجازى

عدد المساهمات : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/04/2010

مراجعة انجليزى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مراجعة انجليزى   مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 21, 2010 12:42 pm

مراجعة على الفصل الدراسى الأول فى منهج اللغة الإنجليزية
للصف الثانى الثانوى (المرحلة الأولى من الثانوية العامة ) إعداد /عبير حجازي
(A) Language functions:
(1) – Respond to each of the following situations:
1 – Your brother asks your advice concerning keeping fit.
2 – A friend thinks that traveling buy plane is dangerous. Express your
3 – Your friend suggests spending the weekend in Alex. you agree.
4 – You are told that your friend got the best mark in his English test.
(2) - Say where each of the following mini-dialogues takes place
and who the speakers are:
1 – A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, please I’d like a black blouse, please.
A: What size?
B: Large.
2 – A: How many books can I borrow at a time?
B: Only one book.
A: For how long?
B: For two weeks.
(B) Vocabulary and structures:
(3 ) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
1 – A police officer, a nurse or a fireman wear a ………. .
a) cloth b) bag c) uniform d)clothes
2 – My brother qualified …….an engineer last year.
a) like b) as c) so d) with
3 – What time …….School every day?
a) do you leave b) will you leave
c) have you left d) are you leaving
4 – I …… TV. while my brother was doing his homework.
a) have watched b) watched c) watch d) was watching
5 – Professor Magdi Yacoub did some heart transplant……in Egypt.
a) operations b) experience c) experiments d) attempts
6 – The match was canceled …….. the heavy rain.
a) because b) so c)because of d) although
7 – The prisoner was capable of …….from the prison.
a) splitting b) escaping c) dividing d) returning
8 – Which is ……. Dangerous, climbing mountains or cycling?
a) most b) much c) least d) more
9 – He is at Cairo airport,……… Mr. Nagy is meeting him.
a) who b) when b) where d) whose
10 – "Continuously" means without ………. .
a) walking b)standing c)stopping d) running
11 – You have to write about your ……..status in the application form.
a) marital b) married c) marine (d) waiting
12 – It is not kind to …….fun of people because of the way they speak.
a) make b) do c) have d) laugh
13 – He was happy because he had won the tennis ……… .
a) grouping b)combination c) tournament d) collection
14 – KFC is a famous restaurant ………in Egypt
a) yield b)chain c)representative d) chief
15 - Honest people always try to ……..the money they have borrowed.
a) repay b) replace c)take place d) pay of
16 – His gold watch cost a lot of money. It is very…….. .
a) valuable b) helpful c) favourable d) manual
4 – Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1 – Most people all over the world talk English.
2 – Because he studied his lessons, he failed his exams.
3 – How do people pay to the things they buy?
4 – We can kill germs in milk by cooling it.
5 – The earth goes round a sun.
6 – My uncle is a success businessman.
(C) Reading
(5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:-
Hockey is a very old sport which is popular all over the world. Hockey is normally played on grass, but there is also ice hockey. Men and women can play hockey, and in some countries they play together in mixed teams. Like football, there are eleven players in a hockey team. Players carry sticks which they use to control the ball- either to pass it to other players on their team, or to hit it into a net and score goals. The goalkeeper is the only player who can kick the ball.
Hockey can be a dangerous game. The ball, which is small and very hard, can break bones if it hits a player, and players can hurt each other with their sticks. One of the important rules of the sport is that players cannot lift their sticks above their shoulders.
a) Give short answers to the following questions:
1 - On what surfaces is hockey played?
2 – What do hockey players use to hit the ball?
3 – What can goalkeepers do that ordinary players cannot do?
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 – How do players score goals in hockey?
a) They kick the ball into the net
b) They hit the ball into the net with a stick
c) They throw the ball into the net?
d) They carry the ball into the net.
5 – How is a hockey ball different from a football?
a) It is softer. B) It is larger.
c) It is smaller d) It is not round
(6) Read the following passages, then answer the questions:
Your behaviour about others shows people what you are really like. Whether grown-up and well-balanced or infantile. Here there are some situations which show up your personality.
You have arranged an outing. Friends have promised to call for you. They don't arrive. If you are childish, you lose your temper and decided to finish with them. But if you are well-balanced, your first thought is that something must have happened, and you are concerned about your friends not yourself. If they happen to be unreliable, you decide not to depend on them again.
You go to a party. The evening is a success if you are a success. If you are bored and depressed, you cannot expect people to find you interesting. People want laughter, not tears. "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone."
A friend seeks your advice. Don't say "yes" when you think he wants you to say "yes" and" No" when he wants you to say "No". And as soon as he has left, you dismiss him from your mind. To be manly, you ought to give him your honest opinion and you don't forget to ask later how he is getting on.
You make a bad mistake. Don't blame circumstances or other people. "To err is human". Don't resort to half-truths or lies. You should stand by your action and take the blame yourself. You should examine the reasons for your failure.
a) Answer these questions:
1 – When is a person considered infantile or childish?
2 – How can you give your friend your honest advice?
3 – How is your true character determined?
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 - A man is considered courageous when………. .
a) he is grown up. b) he has arranged an outing. c) he is well balanced.
d) he stands by his action and takes the blame himself.
5 – You are mistaken when……… .
a) you blame the circumstances for your mistakes.
b) you give your friend your honest opinion.
c) you stand by your action.
d) you examine the reasons for your failure.
(D)The Spiders
7 - Answer the following questions:
1 – What did the four robbers use to see through walls?
2 – According to the story in the old Egyptian text, how did the old town
b) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
1 – "If you are sure there is a danger, you must tell the police."
a) What danger was the speaker talking about?
b) When did he become sure that there was danger?
c) Complete the following sentences:
1 – The big spider's bites can't be treated as……..
2 – Dr Shereen Fakhry thought that the black and yellow spiders were probably
real because………
(E) Writing
Cool Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
The advantages and disadvantages of a computer
(9) - a) Translate into Arabic:
The economic policy of the state aims at raising the slandered of living. It also focuses on getting up productive projects that can provide a lot of unemployed youth with work opportunities.
b) Translate into English:
1 – هل تعتقد أن المحيط الهادي أكثر عمقا من المحيط الهندي؟
2 – يجب علينا الحفاظ علي البيئة وحمايتها من التلوث .
Model answers
(A)Language functions:
(1)– Respond to each of the following situations:
1 – You should do exercises regularly and avoid eating a lot of fats.
2 – You may be right, but I think it's fast and comfortable.
3 – That's a good idea.
4 – Well done.
(2) - Say where each of the following mini-dialogues takes place and who the speakers are:
1 -
Place Clothes shop
S/A Shop assistant
S/B customer
2 -
Place Library
S/A Reader
S/B librarian
(B) Vocabulary and structures:
(3 ) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
1 - c) uniform 2 - b) as 3 - a) do you leave
4 - d) was watching 5 - a) operations 6 - c) because of
7 - b) escaping 8 - d) more 9 - b) where
10 - c) stopping 11 - a) marital 12 - a) make
13 - c) tournament 14 - b) chains
15 - a) repay 16 - a) valuable
4 – Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1 - Most people all over the world speak English.
2 – Although he studied his lessons, he failed his exams.
3 – How do people pay for the things they buy?
4 – We can kill germs in milk by boiling it.
5 – The earth goes round the sun.
6 – My uncle is a successful businessman.
(C) Reading
(5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:-
1 – Hockey is played on grass or ice.
2 - Hockey players use sticks to hit the ball.
3 - The goalkeeper is the only player who can kick the ball.
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 - b) They hit the ball into the net with a stick
5 - c) It is smaller.
(6) Read the following passages, then answer the questions:
1 - A person is considered infantile or childish if he lose his temper easily and
make quick decisions.
2 - I ought to give him my honest opinion and I don't forget to ask later how he
is getting on.
3 - My behaviour about others shows my true character.
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4 - d) he stands by his action and takes the blame himself.
5 - a) you blame the circumstances for your mistakes.
(D)The Spiders
7 - Answer the following questions:
1 - The four robbers use the G P R to see through walls.
2 - According to the story in the old Egyptian text, the old town disappeared
because the town people burnt the town. They hoped to kill the spiders.
b) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
1 – The danger of the spider to people in Hamdayya.
2 – When he read Dr. Shereen's e-mail to Ayman in which she told him that
professor Jones was in his way to Hamdayya.
c) Complete the following sentences:
1 - …….. there was no antivenom for the spider.
2 - ………they were in a medical text.
(E) Writing
Cool Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
The advantages and disadvantages of a computer
Today many people use computers. Is this a good thing or not? Computers let you get a lot of information. They let you communicate very quickly, by e-mail or using the internet. They make it possible to work from home. Children enjoy using computers and this makes learning more exciting and interesting. Another advantage is that large amounts of information can be stored on computers.
On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of computers is that many people don't like using computers and would prefer to deal with a person instead. Computers can get viruses which stop them working probably. Some children spend too much time playing computer games and this waste their time. Computers can easily be used by criminals to communicate with each other. Last but not least, computers are to stay to facilitate our life.
(9) - a) Translate into Arabic:
1 – تهدف سياسة الدولة الاقتصادية إلي رفع مستوي المعيشة وتركز علي إقامة المشروعات المنتجة التي تمد الشباب الذي يعاني من البطالة بفرص العمل.
(b)Translate into English:
1 – Do you think that the Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Indian
2 – We should conserve the environment and keep it from pollution.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
بسمة فودة
بسمة فودة

عدد المساهمات : 1672
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/03/2010
العمر : 38

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة انجليزى   مراجعة انجليزى I_icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 21, 2010 12:57 pm

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